Pancreas and bile duct (biliary) systems form an essential part of the digestive system.

Begin your journey to wellness with us

The pancreas and biliary tract secretes digestive enzymes to break down the food you consume so that the body can absorb nutrition from it. Therefore, this system is crucial for good health. At Dignity Clinic we find the source of your symptoms and treat you according to your specific needs.

Treatments We Offer

Gall bladder stones

Gall bladder stones are commonly asymptomatic and are incidentally detected. It can cause acute cholecystitis (Gall bladder swelling), which cause abdominal pain, indigestion, bloating and jaundice.

Asymptomatic gall bladder stones can be treated with just lifestyle modifications. Symptomatic gall bladder stones are treated surgically.

Acute Pancreatitis

It presents acutely with severe abdominal pain, vomiting and multiple complications. It needs early and effective treatment to prevent complications. There are many causes for acute pancreatitis like gall stones, alcohol consumption, some drugs and few others.

Chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic stones

These cause chronic abdominal pain, weight loss, diabetes mellitus and significant decline in quality of life. It is very important to diagnose these diseases early so as to modify their long term behaviour, to improve outcomes and quality of life.

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